Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Star Wars - Mini Bust: Shaak Ti

Star Wars - Mini Bust: Shaak Ti

Shaak Ti Mini Bust 
Shaak Ti was a female Togruta Jedi Master, hailing from the planet Shili, serving the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order in the final decades of the Republic Classic era. Joining the Jedi High Council in the years before the Clone Wars, she took up the ranks of General within the Grand Army of the Republic and was tasked with the oversight of clone trooper training on the ocean world Kamino. 

As a Jedi Councilor, Master Shaak Ti was involved in many epic conflicts during the Clone Wars, including planning and engaging in the opening salvo on Geonosis. In addition, Master Ti was instrumental in the First and Third Battles of Kamino, where she helped to protect the future generations of clone troopers growing at the facilities, as well as during the Battle of Hypori, where she became one of the few Jedi to survive an encounter with the feared General Grievous. Master Ti was known to have dueled and defeated one of Count Dooku's Dark Acolytes, Artel Darc, before which she served with distinction during the conflict on Brentaal IV. 

Shaak Ti was assigned to protect the Jedi Temple in the final days of the war as the threat of the hidden Dark Lord of the Sith became clear. Stationed there during the initiation of Operation: Knightfall, Ti escaped with her life when the Temple and the Republic fell into the hands of the Sith Lords. Fleeing Coruscant and traveling from world to world, Ti finally landing on Felucia with the orphaned Padawan Maris Brood. Once on Felucia, Shaak Ti trained Brood and the local Force-sensitive Jungle Felucians for an inevitable confrontation with the Sith. Master Ti was eventually tracked by Darth Vader who sent his secret Sith apprentice, Starkiller, to kill her. Starkiller and Shaak Ti engaged in a vicious duel, ending when an injured Ti toppled into the Ancient Abyss. 

Star Wars Shaak Ti Black White Picture

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Title: Star Wars - Mini Bust: Shaak Ti; Written by G S Baskoro; Rating: 5 dari 5

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